how to start spiritual parenting

Episode 007: Using Playful Declarations

In Episode 007 of Playfully Faith Parenting, I interview Christia and Kenny DeShields about playful biblical declarations for kids and their new book.

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Show Notes

Episode Summary:

In today’s episode, I talk with Christia and Kenny DeShields about playful declarations and their newest book, God Made Me Perfect.

Christia and Kenny DeShields are educators, songwriters, musicians, and creatives, who carry the spirit of family everywhere they go. Parents to three boys, ages 2, 4, and 6, They enjoy family adventures, making memories and having fun.

Find them on Instagram: moda_christia  + kennydeshields

Verses from the episode:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Links from the episode:

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Here is a rough transcript of Playfully Faithful Parenting Episode 007: Using Playful Declarations. This isn’t meant to be pretty and perfect but is here as a resource for those who want it.



All right, hi, thank you so much for joining us today. 


Thank you for having us. 


Yes, would you introduce yourself to our audience? 


I’m Christina. 

Speaker 3 

And I’m Kenny. 


And we’re the Shields. We have three boys 2/5 and seven. And yeah. 

Speaker 3 

It’s a busy household. 


Yeah, it’s so busy. 


That’s a busy household. 


I am a bum. 


Teacher I taught high school for several years and now I teach from home and then Kenny is our worship arts director at our church. 


Wonderful I. 


I see the worship and arts coming out in the books, so that’s great. 


And and so when you say you teach at home, do you? 


Are you teaching other kids or just your kids? 


What are you doing right now? 


I am, you know the kids are right now. 


So I’ve been working for a company that. 


So the students come to school. 


They’re in person, but the instructors are virtual, so they’ll see me on a screen. 


So it’s been it’s. 


Been pretty cool teaching kids like all over the country. 


My students are all over the country, so it’s it’s been pretty fun. 

Speaker 3 

You teach me stuff. 


Wow, that’s an almost managed teacher. 


Oh CBN so. 


Yes, so on our podcast we have defined spiritual parenting. 


As living out your authentic faith in front of your kids and inviting them to get to know who God is and we base this on Deuteronomy 6 verses 4 through 9, what does spiritual parenting mean to you and how does that play out in your home? 


This is a great question, so I grew up I’m a PK so and I my dad was and my mom. 


They’re both intercessors. 


So like I would all we would I grew up in a House of prayer and that just really marked my life and so. 


That really kind of influences the way that our parent awake any parents as well is that kind of having that foundation myself as a kid, it’s like you live out your faith. 


You know, in the good times and the bad times you know, we were always pointed towards the Lord, and so that is something that I. 


I I live by. 

Speaker 3 

Yeah, we’ve seen that. 

Speaker 3 

Like as even as we’ve become, I think even more transparent and authentic in front of our kids. 

Speaker 3 

With we’re praying, believing God for this uhm, that we’re seeing their faith start to grow, and I think a lot of that Christine was saying was modeled from, you know, our parents. 

Speaker 3 

And so we just wanted to continue to pass that on. 


What a blinding to what a blessing to grow up in families like. 


Yeah, right? 


Yeah, I I like I didn’t always think it was a blessing, but now I now you know, as you get older you realize your parents were really cool. 


And not as lame as he thought they were growing. 

Speaker 3 

I remember going to college and my freshman year and like coming back and telling my parents. 

Speaker 3 

Thank you for the upbringing because you just go and see like wow everyone did not grow up like this. 

Speaker 3 

Everyone didn’t have that background and it’s just like, you know, thank you, Lord, and that’s you know, in in the world we are now we’re like God. 

Speaker 3 

We have to teach them now. 

Speaker 3 

You know who Jesus is and what he says. 


Yeah, in one of your YouTube videos you talk about either you have to disciple your kids or the world will would. 


Will you talk about that for a minute? 


Yeah, there’s so many and I was a high school teacher too, so I’m I’m kind of close to this subject. 


There’s so many messages, so much peer pressure and like it seems like the messages are being amplified and. 


You know, pushed harder and I’ve never seen so many kids that grow up with like anxiety, depression. 


All of these. 


All of these things that were kind of like, you know, not as prevalent as they are now, and it’s because the world is discipling our kids and so it’s like either we’re going to disciple them or the world. 


And so it having that, I guess, that that foundation of who you are, your son, your daughter. 


And that’s good enough, you know, God made you perfect. 


He didn’t make a mistake when he made you. 


He knew what he wanted you to be, and he he didn’t make a mistake. 


And so I I feel like especially now it’s super important that kids know who they are and who know who’s they are and who they are and that God you know made them on purpose. 


And that he has a plan. 


For them, and so that’s why we created this book. 


Some of the like. 


A lot of these, the declarations or songs in the book we have been. 


We’ve been singing them for years and it kind of started out because our oldest son struggles with anxiety and ADHD and sensory processing, and so that was a whole journey in itself and. 


We released a book earlier this year called Sensory seeking sabastian, which kind of like I didn’t see any books that. 


My son could relate to and we didn’t know what sensory processing disorder was, and so that was a whole journey and we wrote a book that kind of like. 


Uhm, empowers kids to self regulate because mom and Dad won’t always be there. 


And so even with this declaration, this declaration book is kind of an extension of that, because we notice like that. 


You know our oldest son, like his confidence was kind of low and things like that and he was like because I mean he was different from other kids and. 


And some of the things that was going on with him. 


He didn’t know what was going on, you know? 


So it was like lots of prayer, lots of like Lord, you know what is going on and I remember. 


His anxiety was so bad like Kenny would drop him off at school and he would be like clinging on to him. 


He would run out, you know, and it was just like Lord, we’re like praying we’re like read like does this even you know me as BK growing up in the church scene like this is word even work like what you know and I remember I went to sleep. 


At night and the Lord woke me up about 12:00 AM. 


And he gave me this scripture. 


Second Timothy, one in seven. 


God hasn’t given you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and sound mind. 


And it’s kind of like he started breaking me that breaking it down to me like we you’re in fear you’re not thinking rationally you know all these different things and it was almost like he gave it to me as like here. 


This is what you used to fight you know this is your sword. 


And so I got up and I went in the kids room and I just started praying over them and I literally felt like the word was was like fire in my bones. 


Pretty much like the word. 


And so I was like this, his word. 


Is so powerful. 


This is our tool. 


This is. 


This is how we get through this, you know. 


And so ever since then it’s just been like so we so that’s kind of one one of the declarations that you know came out. 


You know, fear get out. 


You can’t stay here and I have power, love and a sound mind is because that is where we we fight our battles. 


That’s how we fight our battles, yeah? 


Yeah, I love that. 


That is a really powerful story. 


Yeah, that’s blessing for your kids to have to have you praying for them in in those ways and listening to God for them in those ways. 


And it it really is. 


So equipping for our kids to know their identity and to be able to grow into. 


A person confident in their relationship with Christ when they have parents who are so visible in their faith and trusting in God with those big things and with their kids and. 


I mean giving our kids back to God is sometimes one of the hardest things to do and just you’re the way you’re modeling that prayer and trust in him is is a beautiful model for your kids to see that those things that are really important to us. 


We give them back to God. 


So I just I love that. 


So just from your social media and your website, it looks like your family loves to play and have fun and adventures. 


Uhm, so tell me about the role of play and your faith and your family’s faith. 

Speaker 3 

Yeah, it’s I think even this year I’ve kind of been feeling like the word adventure has been standing out more. 

Speaker 3 

You know, it’s like we life can get, you know kind of mundane if you allow it to be. 

Speaker 3 

And so there’s been times we’ve traveled a whole lot. 

Speaker 3 

Then there’s been times where, like we haven’t had chance to travel as much, but what can we do to still add that? 

Speaker 3 

Venture there. 

Speaker 3 

And so, like even this year, we’ve kind of been tourists in our own city, and so there’s been some opportunities that have opened up. 

Speaker 3 

But we’ve got a chance to go to the City Museum or to the lake, or there’s a a Creek or lake that we have here and just go and walk and see, you know, throw rocks into the water. 

Speaker 3 

You know sometimes there have to be these big, grandioso things sometimes. 

Speaker 3 

It’s beauty end up the mundane and even some days it’s like we’re going outside in our yard and we’re going to have field day. 

Speaker 3 

You know we’re going to do, you know, a ride bike, so we’re going to take a walk. 

Speaker 3 

Part of it is for our sanity. 

Speaker 3 

And then part of it is for theirs as well, because I think just. 

Speaker 3 

That you know, moving, continuing to move, not being so sedentary a lot. 

Speaker 3 

Christina has been a really big advocate for our family, especially in terms of health, from physical health and even the foods that she prepares. 

Speaker 3 

But then also that carrying into us having an active lifestyle, and so we’ve just been wanting to do things to to stay active and then some. 

Speaker 3 

Are you know as a married couple active dates have been, you know, something that we tried to incorporate a lot more to like. 

Speaker 3 

We went on a walk, hike and cream Coral lake here and just got a chance to just see you know the beauty of nature and so I think those have been two things from us as a couple. 

Speaker 3 

But then us as a family that we’ve been doing. 


Great yeah, I’ve I was always like a beach person like like. 


Why do people go like to to like these mountains and like why do you guys do those things and tell COVID you know everybody was stuck inside and so like we we we went to the Smokey Mountains and I was like I. 

Speaker 3 

The mountain. 


Get it this is. 


So amazing, you know you just I don’t know. 


I just experienced God in a whole new way, you know and his you know the beauty that he creates and so now I’m like sign me up for every National Park you know. 


Gotta get our cars. 

Yeah, yeah. 


Yeah yeah, so I’d love to hear more about this book and your hopes for it. And you know, you told us a little bit about where it came from but but what are you hoping God’s going to do with this book? And and? 


So like being a teacher by trade, you know, I’ve I. 


I always want to like equip and empower. 


Students, young people, people in general, so this book is something that we think we hope will empower not only kids, but parents. 


A lot of times parents at our church, they’re like, you know, wondering like ways that they can incorporate the word with their with their kids or like you know, just like. 


I guess living that faith out loud in front of their kids are with their kids and so our hope is like this is this book is something that they can do together and it will empower their kid as there’s their child as well. 


Well as empower themselves, like I mean the declaration we say them for ourselves. 


Like we we need these two. 


We can do the hard things. 


We can do all things through Christ. 

Speaker 3 



It’s kind of. 


I mean, it’s a book for kids, but it’s really the message is ageless, you know, and so our hope is that it can be as a guiding post. 


For people who want to go deeper adults and then for children, something that will empower. 


Children and anything exact. 

Speaker 3 

Part of those those prayers that are even at the end of the book too, we will, as C was saying about us going through even the tough times with ADHD and sensory processing. 

Speaker 3 

We I remember us Googling. 

Speaker 3 

You know what does scriptures are pertaining to this or what are prayers related to this and not, you know seeing a few but then also wanting to give some. 

Speaker 3 

Holy Spirit inspired language to what this says about this, you know it. 

Speaker 3 

2019 was such a hard year for us as a family and it was just like you know it came to a point like God. 

Speaker 3 

Are you real or you not? 

Speaker 3 

Is this word work or doesn’t it work? 

Speaker 3 

And like I remember us, you know, as we were even writing, typing out these prayers and stuff, just feeling God, power starting to come through this like wow, thank you Lord, that you. 

Speaker 3 

Empower us and giving us something and we want to help other parents who have been in these situations. 

Speaker 3 

So how do I pray through this? 

Speaker 3 

I’m like I’m just tired. 

Speaker 3 

I don’t know what else to say and hoping that as they’re saying these words out loud that the Lord would just take over their tongue and start to say, you know, like other things. 

Speaker 3 

Was that when we were reading the other day about anxiety, the declarations and the prayer about anxiety? 

Speaker 3 

Uhm, just as like this is one of the parts that says I do not have a spirit of fear. 

Speaker 3 

I have power, love and a sound mind. 

Speaker 3 

Just being able to say that in that word I do not have a spirit of fear and just feeling God. 

Speaker 3 

Like yes, I’m with you and just wanting to empower other parents and kids to say that you know too. 

Speaker 3 

So that’s that’s one of our biggest. 

Speaker 3 

Hopes that people feel that like God is with them as they’re saying these words. 

Speaker 3 

’cause this word is alive. 


Absolutely, absolutely. 


And I love that. 


You also have discussions or little activities that go along with them. 


Uhm, the there’s like a kicking one and looking in the mirror and I just think those that’s such a great way to add play and and physical motion and movement and activity that can you know really build connections in the brain to this scripture. 


As well as the music that you’ve you’ve added to it, so do you want to talk a little bit about adding that the music and the rhythms to the. 


Yeah, sure we come so they all actually like started. 


All of them started off as songs that we sang around the house and then we started to write them down and it turned into this book. 


But we are, we do have a YouTube channel playlist. 


It’s Christina and Kineta Shields and it has some of some of the some of the declarations. 


Record it and we’ll be adding to that because we’re musical people. So we, you know, we think it comes, I guess. Easy to other people, but we also love to hear other people’s interpretations of the declaration so. 


Like if you don’t sing it quite like the way we do, that’s totally fine. 


Like sing it the way that you feel it so. 

Speaker 3 

And I think that makes it more personal to when they kind of you own it. 

Speaker 3 

Like oh this came out of us. 

Speaker 3 

This came out of this situation or experience, and so it just it’s like oh this our our family song or this is my child song that came from this so it’s like their own little gift, yeah. 


And there’s you know, there’s this power in music that helps us. 


To to remember and to feel the words in a different way than if you were just to kind of recite them or read them. 


And so I think that’s it’s a lot of fun and really equipping to both kids and and their parents. 


One question is, you call these declarations? 


Is there a difference too between declarations and affirmations? 


And like affirmations? 


Is kind of this big thing you know, especially in secular circles, is there? 


A reason you chose that language over declarations over affirmations. 


I, I guess because it’s ours are biblically based and so you know they’re not. 


I don’t I I use, I use them in both, but I. 


I think because orza the book because they’re you know, biblically based. 


There’s I don’t know. 


There’s just that extra punch and power to them because they come from the word of God, you know. 


And not just like good thoughts are great, you know. 


But these are like. 


Words inspired by the Holy Spirit. 


It’s his word and we’re just saying it back to him. 


So we’re declaring it back to him. 


So that’s kind of why we’ve we chose declarations over affirmations out of you. 


Yeah, absolutely. 


I love it. 


And when I saw the the title of the book and I was like, oh, I really like that word and that that language over. 


Kind of just that, you know, affirmations. 


That mindset. 


Kind of. 


It’s really beautiful and powerful, so. 


Is there anything? 

Speaker 3 

And I think we’ve been afraid of. 

Speaker 3 

Using declarations and decrees, remember, we have the conversation about using Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. 


Yes, so one of our editors in the book ’cause you know the whole we have the Holy Ghost in one of them and she’s like ’cause she was. 


She was Catholic and so she’s like that would just scare me and I was like, well, that’s the Bible says Holy Ghost like so it’s like so like we can’t be afraid to use. 



What the Bible says, and so in the in the activity I said, I just said Holy Ghost is another way to say Holy Spirit. 


So I mean, it’s just a teaching moment, you know. 


Speaker 3 

Yeah, and I think sometimes in Christian culture recently there has been this maybe need to water down or or to pull back or to come. 

Speaker 3 

In a lot of ways, devalue that language because it may seem too churchy or whatever, but it’s like that the power is in the word it it it just it is what it is, and I think we want to encourage other parents, specially other Christian parents. 

Speaker 3 

You don’t have to be afraid to say what the Bible says. 

Speaker 3 

It’s been working for thousands of years and it’s never gonna return back. 

Speaker 3 

So we just I think we just we want to help other parents have permission to say this is what the Bible says and it’s OK. 

Speaker 3 

You can be comfortable with it. 

Speaker 3 

Don’t let culture and society you know bully you to say though I gotta say it this way. 

Speaker 3 

Like no it is. 

Speaker 3 

What it is? Yeah yeah. 


Absolutely I love that. 


Do you have a favorite declaration from the book? 

That’s a good question, yeah? 


I didn’t prepare you for that one and I I like, I love them all. 


I think at different times they’re like favorite, but I think as of recently, it’s, uh, God made me perfect. 


He didn’t. 


There’s he didn’t make mistake. 


He didn’t make mistake. 


God made me perfect. 


He doesn’t make mistakes. 


He doesn’t make mistakes. 


I think that one is probably. 


My favorite one, yeah? 

Speaker 3 

The fear get out. 

Speaker 3 

One has always kind of been a a funny one to me because there’s that the UM, if you look inside the book that way the the kid is doing like this karate chop you know to it so it’s just always been fun to just like fear. 

Speaker 3 

Get our son Chicago who is? 


He loves that one. 

Speaker 3 

He loves that when his imagination is so big. 

Speaker 3 

So it’s just like you could just see him doing this. 

Speaker 3 

Fear you get out of here, he said it a few times too. 

Speaker 3 

Like you get out of. 

Speaker 3 

Here fear you don’t belong, you know, so it’s it’s so funny to. 

Speaker 3 

See it, yeah played out in real life for him. 


I love that and I think it’s really. 


Really powerful to give our kids these words that you know they can use when they’re making these declarations, but then also in their ordinary life and they can. 


You know it’s so ingrained in them that when they’re having a moment or a big emotion, or in a certain situation that they’ll be able to pull those words of scripture. 


From their hearts and their minds, and connect them to their their life. 


And what’s actually going on? 


Yeah, yeah. 


Uhm, so do you have anything else you want to tell us about your book or even your other book? 


It was called Sensory seeking Sebastian. 


Yes, they’re both available on Amazon right now, and so just let us say if you order, just let us know what you think and you know we love to stay connected since we seek and Sebastian is a a book that empowers young centuries. 


Speakers and it makes them think about ways that they can calm down and regulate their body. 


It gives them ideas, but at the end there’s some great. 


I’m a teacher so I always have to have activities, so there’s some great like discussion questions in there about how you can calm yourself down if you’re nervous. 


If you’re in a new space. 


Uhm, if you’re feeling really antsy, what are some things that you can do so basically just kind of like turning kids into advocates for themselves because their parents won’t always be there. 


Yes, yeah, that’s great. 


Great and So what about you guys? 


How do you like to play? 


Because play is so important for all ages. 


Uhm, so you two as either a couple or individuals? 


How do you like to play? 


We have been the greatest at it, but we we love doing like active things. 


Yeah, active things and so it could be like you know, going on a hike or doing a zip line or you know working out for me, working out for me is my. 

Speaker 3 

Looking out. 


Is my how I play? 


I love working out I love like moving my body uhm I know for Kenny. 


Is reading books you know into. 

Speaker 3 

Yeah, with coffee shops and just reading writing that whole. 

Speaker 3 

The whole coffee shop vibe is my thing. 


Yes, I am definitely a reader, so I understand that is my my favorite way to play as well. 


Do you have anything else that you would like to share with us? 


It’s been so fun having you. 

No, I was so excited. 


Yeah, thank you. 


Thank you for having us on your show. 


So it’s been a privilege and honor. 


Yes, it’s same for me and I’m excited for others to get these. 


Get your books into their hands and into their kids hearts and. 


Just ask God to bless you and your work and just thank you for being vulnerable and sharing what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life and and in your family. 


So thank you so much. 

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