Are you:

I get it!
I am Joy, a Parent Coach, Speaker, and Stay-at-Home Mama to 5 fabulous, yet a little bit crazy, girls. Parenting is full of stressors, triggers, questions, and failures! But with help from the Holy Spirit, it can also be full of abundant life, discipleship, growth, joy, and PLAY!
Through my Master’s Degree in Youth, Family, and Culture, 20+ years of ministry experience, and certifications from Connected Families and Parenting for Faith, I want to help you enjoy less yelling and more laughing while growing and playing together as a family in Christ.

What others have said:
“Joy has been a pleasure to work with. She is passionately gifted in the knowledge and skills to teach how to playfully parent and teach Christian principles. Joy shares practical, easy-to-implement strategies that take moments to apply. She is dedicated to helping families develop playful strategies to teach God’s love through parenting and connecting with one another.” Joy B., Mom of 2
“I walked away from this with a greater understanding of how to teach/share the stories of the bible to my daughter that will engage her physically, mentally, and emotionally. I was very empowered by what I was able to learn. Things I never thought of before now have me more excited to share the Lord with my child. I have a new spark of encouragement and excitement. I can’t wait to implement what I learned.” Sharolin C., Mom of 1
“We are so grateful for the opportunity to have joined Joy Wendling for our parenting coaching! She made it so simple to walk through the steps Connected Families teaches! We highly recommend Joy and the Connected Families program. If you’re on the fence, take it from us… It’s worth it!” Becca R., Mom of 3
I spent many years in children’s, youth, and family ministries. I had the privilege of working with and serving some amazing families. Families that were just coasting, families that were soaring, and lots of families that were struggling. But, my greatest honor and challenge has been ministering to my own family! Why? Because I am with them 24 hours a day, and I am the most deeply committed to their faith, their health, and their well-being.
That is why I know you are an amazing mom! You are the mom God has designed for your kids and he wants to co-parent them right alongside you. Research shows that YOU have the biggest impact on your child’s faith. More than Sunday School, AWANA, youth groups, or any other program or adult in your child’s life. Other than Jesus, you have the most invested, the most opportunities, and the most relational leverage with your kids, whether you believe it or not.
I can’t wait to help you embrace this beautiful, meaningful, and eternally impactful role of nurturing your children’s hearts and souls for Jesus. Whether that looks like daily discipleship or discipleship through discipline, I am here to join the Holy Spirit as you become a more peaceful, purposeful, and playful parent.
Playfully faithful and faithfully playful,
~joy | Created To Play ❤
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