Embracing Joy During Grief

Hey there, fellow mamas! It’s Joy, and I’m so grateful to be connecting with you through this blog post. As we step into the new year, I can’t help but reflect on the challenges and blessings of the past year. If you’ve been following my podcast, you might know that it’s been a rollercoaster for me. I recently experienced the unexpected loss of my mom, and just before that, a dear family member had to move away. It’s been a season of grief, pain, and heartache, but amidst it all, I’ve also found moments of joy and gratitude.

One verse that resonates deeply with me is Ecclesiastes 11:8, which says, “however many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all.” This verse has been my anchor, reminding me of the importance of finding joy in every season, even amidst the trials of motherhood. It’s a beautiful reminder that while we may not enjoy every moment as a mom, it’s okay. Motherhood is undeniably challenging, sacrificial, and at times, heartbreaking. We don’t have to pretend that every moment is enjoyable, but we can find joy in Christ, even through the suffering and hard parts.

It wasn’t until now, that I see and feel the value of the second sentence of that verse with the first:

Grieving the loss of my mom has been incredibly tough, and it’s a journey I’m still navigating. But even in the midst of this pain, I’ve found reasons to be grateful. This past year has been filled with significant milestones and accomplishments. I wrote a book, signed with a literary agent, and had the opportunity to speak at conferences and preach at my church. I’ve seen growth in my role as a parent, a wife, and a follower of Jesus. There have been moments of joy and triumph amidst the sorrow.

Disciple During Discipline Challenge

In the spirit of reflecting on the past and looking toward the future, I want to share something special with you. In a recent challenge I hosted in my Facebook group, we delved into the topic of “discipling during meltdowns.” It was an enriching experience, especially during a time when I felt like postponing it due to my personal struggles. We explored the power of truth in guiding our responses to our children’s big emotions, and we crafted a plan rooted in prayer and Scripture to guide us in discipling our children during challenging moments. The outpouring of support and engagement during this challenge was incredibly uplifting.

Our 4 topics were:

  • 3 Common Misconceptions about Meltdowns
  • God’s Response to Meltdowns
  • Tools to Disciple during Meltdowns
  • Creating a plan for future meltdowns

After the Challenge

Building on the success of the challenge, I am thrilled to share that we are launching a membership where we can journey together in exploring discipline and discipleship. This membership will offer coaching calls focused on discipline and discipleship, monthly printables for purposeful and playful parenting, and a supportive community to learn and grow together. I genuinely believe that this membership will be an incredible resource for parents seeking to navigate the ups and downs of parenting in a faith-filled way.
As we step into 2024, I invite you to embark on this journey with me. The membership is designed to equip and support you as we navigate the beautiful yet challenging path of parenthood. I have poured my heart into creating a space where we can grow together, rooted in faith and love.

If you are interested in learning more about the membership and the resources it offers, I encourage you to check out the replays of our recent challenge in the Facebook group. Additionally, there’s a special pricing offer until January 6th, which I believe presents an incredible opportunity for us to come together and grow as a community of faith-filled parents.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude to each one of you for being part of this beautiful community. Your love and support have been a source of strength for me, especially during this challenging season. I look forward to embracing the new year with hope, trust, and a heart full of gratitude for the blessings and growth that await us.

Mamas, here’s to finding joy, even in the midst of grief. Let’s walk this journey together, and may the year ahead be filled with love, faith, and joyful moments with our precious little ones. If you are curious about the membership or other ways to work with me, click the button below to book a free 15 minute coaching call.

With love and gratitude,

Listen to this on the podcast, Playfully Faithful Parenting

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