What is Parent Coaching?

Parent Coaching is my coming alongside you and the Holy Spirit to help you become more peaceful, purposeful, and playful as a parent. We can explore your parenting goals for the good day and the hard days. I help you to grow in your personal discipleship with Jesus while learning practical, playful, and developmentally appropriate ways to disciple your kids.

We can brainstorm specific challenges, consider your unique needs, pray for your concerns, and individualize a plan for your particular family. Parent Coaching helps you to see where you are, dream of where you want to be, and helps you to create a plan to get there.

Is Parent Coaching Right for You?

  • As a parent, do you ever feel stressed? overwhelmed? stuck in a rut?
  • Do you need practical tips to deal with daily struggles in your parenting?
  • Are you looking for Biblical advice that is backed by science?
  • Do you need help formulating a plan for how to move forward as a parent?
  • Are you looking to grow in your relationship with Jesus as you disciple your kids through the good and bad days?
  • Do you want prayer, guidance, encouragement, or simply a set of listening ears from another Christian parent?
  • Are you looking for ways to add more fun and faith to your family?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then a Parent Coach might be right for you!

“After only the first, 1 hr session, the way we viewed parenting shifted massively, all for the better!!!”

Becca, Mom of three

My Parent Coaching Pillars


Scripture will be our guide, as we seek to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength (Deuteronomy 6:5) and to commit our parenting to the Lord (Proverbs 16:3).


Discipleship will be our focus, as we pursue living out our own authentic faith and pointing our kids to Jesus and God’s Word (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).


Play will be an important tool, as God has created our children to learn best through play and we are called to teach them all throughout our daily lives (Deuteronomy 6:7).

Discipleship on the Good Days and Hard Days

In parenting, we all have good days and hard days, but we can learn to disciple our kids every day! I am here to support you and encourage you no matter what kind of day you or your kids are having. We can lean into teaching your kids Scripture, prayer, and the fruit of the Spirit or we can help minimize those power struggles and shorten those meltdowns, even if those meltdowns are coming from mama sometimes.

Discipleship spans the spectrum of parenting and I am here for you in all of it! We may not like every moment of each day, but we can enjoy motherhood and live like Ecclesiastes 11:8a suggests: “However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all.”

Discipline & Discipleship Monthly Membership

Join the membership for my most comprehensive (and cost-efficient) coaching, tools, and community.

Each month in the membership you get:

4 Coaching Calls

  • Discipline (Connected Families Framework based)
  • Discipleship (love | teach | play approach)
  • Q & A Call
  • Collaborative Coaching Call

Purposeful Play Printables

  • Playful Prayer Prompts
  • Bible Story Play Invitations
  • Memory Verse Activity Calendar, Scripture Cards, and Posters
  • Surprise Goodies

Private Facebook Community and Support

Faith Focus

When we are focusing more on passing on our faith through the everyday parts of life, we will use Parenting for Faith’s Five Key Tools:

Discipline Focus

When we are focusing on modeling God in the way we discipline, we will use the Connected Families Framework:

All Christian parenting is discipleship. Are you going to be purposeful in it?

Learn more about my packages:

Not sure where to start? Or want a customized plan? Book a free consult below and let’s chat!

What Others are Saying

Joy B., mom of 2 on Discipleship Coaching

“Joy has been a pleasure to work with. She is passionately gifted in the knowledge and skills to teach how to playfully parent and teach Christian principles. Joy shares practical, easy-to-implement strategies that take moments to apply. She is dedicated to helping families develop playful strategies to teach God’s love through parenting and connecting with one another.”  

Sharolin C., mom of 1 on Playful Bible Reading Coaching

“This course absolutely exceeded my expectations. I walked away from this with a greater understanding of how to teach/share the stories of the bible to my daughter that will engage her physically, mentally, and emotionally. I was very empowered by what I was able to learn. Things I never thought of before now have me more excited to share the Lord with my child. I have a new spark of encouragement and excitement. I can’t wait to implement what I learned. I would highly recommend this course!”

Becca R., mom of 3 on Connected Families Coaching

“My husband and I recently completed a Connected Families parenting coaching program with Joy Wendling! After only the first, 1 hr session, the way we viewed parenting shifted massively, all for the better!!! By the end of the 4 session program, my husband and I have gained practical, biblical, and simple tools to help us love our children always, and be able to teach them the way they should go from a biblical perspective. One of my favorite things: the way Connected Families is able to incorporate research/the science behind how these biblical principles are effective.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to have joined Joy Wendling for our parenting coaching! She made it so simple to walk through the steps Connected Families teaches! We highly recommend Joy and the Connected Families program. If you’re on the fence, take it from us… It’s worth it!”

Ready to book?

Sign up here for your free 15-minute call to get started on your journey to become a more playfully faithful parent!

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