My 5 Favorite Podcasts for Christian Mamas

Are you a podcast fan? I just really got into them last year, but I am in love and wanted to share with you my favorite podcasts for Christian mamas. Podcasts are bite-size information or encouragement that I can easily pause for my five little interruptions. I can listen in the car or in the morning while I am getting ready. And, I feel like I am in a conversation with some of my favorite authors. 

Even though I listen with purpose, I so enjoy the time that I definitely consider listening to podcasts as play.

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Where to Listen

Spotify and Castbox are two of the apps that I have used for listening to podcasts, but most recently I started listening with Amazon’s Music Unlimited. I can so easily use one of our numerous Amazon Echos. For real though, we seriously have four of them around the house and car, with two more on the way. Plus, it’s hands-free listening which is so helpful when I am cooking dinner, driving, or doing my hair. 

You can try a 30 day free trial of Amazon Music Unlimited here.  

Without further ado, here are my five favorite podcasts:

1) Risen Motherhood

This is absolutely my favorite podcast right now. I don’t think I have listened to an episode that I didn’t hear something inspiring, encouraging, or challenging to my faith or parenting.  And, just read their purpose from their website: “Risen Motherhood exists to encourage, equip, and challenge moms to apply the gospel to their everyday lives.”  Yes! Who doesn’t need that as a Christian mama?

Hosts Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler are mamas in the thick of it. Through looking at the pattern of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation these women bring the message of the Gospel to many of the nitty-gritty moments in motherhood. 

The episodes are typically under 30ish minutes. So, I can finish one while making dinner or listen to a couple on the way to and from Costco. 

Emily and Laura also have a book of the same name, Risen Motherhood, which I highly recommend.

2) She Reads Truth 

I don’t remember how I was first introduced to She Reads Truth (SRT), but I remember what caught my eye was the aesthetic beauty of their study books. Before I dove into the monthly subscription for their reading plan study books, I bought their Bible and started reading along with their plans online. It took me a while before listening to their podcast, but now that I do, I love it.  

Each episode is about an hour long, so I don’t usually finish it in one sitting, but that’s ok.  I still pick up something meaningful.  Now these podcasts are not specifically for mamas, but are just a way for them to help get all women into God’s Word each day. 

The podcast typically follows the current reading plan and is so rich in biblical truths.  Hosts, Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams, dig into the Scriptures and teach with passion and as much beauty as the aesthetics of their printed resources. 

She Reads Truth as ministry has grown beyond resources for women.  There is also book, She Reads Truth; a men’s ministry, He Reads Truth; and children’s resources, Kids Read Truth.

Reading Plans 

Beyond their podcast, SRT puts together wonderful wonderful reading plans. These are typically 1-6 weeks long and a variety of topics.  The studies are sometimes based on books of the Bible, sometimes topical, or may be seasonal, ie Advent or Lent.

You can follow along on their website, via their app, or by purchasing their study books. I always learn so much from the way they pair different verses together to point out themes throughout the Word.


I also just have to share about their Bible. It is GORGEOUS! I have it in poppy color and I absolutely love it! It has so many extras, like word art, character studies, charts, and maps.

My husband liked all of the extra resources and devotionals in mine and got the He Reads Truth Bible, as well. Their Bibles are all in the CSB translation, which I have come to love.

3) Dave Ramsey

Ok, so Christian mamas are not the specific target audience for this podcast, but it definitely is an amazing resource for us. And, we definitely fall within his much broader audience base. 

Dave Ramsey podcast for christian mamas

If you haven’t heard of Dave Ramsey before, let me just tell you that you are in for a treat. The Dave Ramsey Show was the first podcast that I really ever got into a couple of years ago and I am so grateful for him. He is a Christian,  financial advisor and if you listen, learn, and do the work your life can change. 

Through his podcast, books, and course, Financial Peace University, Dave teaches you his 7 Baby Steps to get out of debt, save, and be able to live and give like nobody else.

The podcast episodes are usually about an hour long and feature Dave answering callers’ financial questions. It doesn’t sound great for the average Christian mama, but you will love Dave’s no non-sense advice and learn biblical truths about your relationship with money.  

4) Typology

 Here is another podcast that is not specifically for Christian mamas, but I believe if something is good for mama’s personal growth, then it is good for the family (within reason, obviously).

Have you heard of the Enneagram? It is a personality typing system based on core motivations, as opposed to behaviors, and can be used as an incredible tool for growth and spiritual development. Hubby and I started diving into it a little over a year ago, and he has since become a certified Enneagram Coach, while I have kept my research and reading a little less formal.

Anyhow, this podcast is hosted by author Ian Morgan Cron, who co-wrote The Road Back to You. Cron interviews different people, often of some celebrity status, on the impact of their personality type on their life, business, ministry, family, etc. It is so fascinating to see the different ways God created us and how we can image Him to the world. 

It has been really helpful for me to listen to other Enneagram 1s talk about their experiences and reflections.  Understanding others’ personalities has really helped my relationships, especially with husband. Likewise, understanding myself better has allowed me to make more space for the Holy Spirit. The Enneagram, and this podcast, has been a really good sandpaper in my life recently.  

podcasts for christian mamas

5) Connected Families

I just recently started listening to this podcast, but I love the message shares about discipline. It is a resource of the Connect Families ministry that also provides workshops, a blog, and books. 

In January 2019 I read their book Discipline that Connects with Your Child’s Heart: Building Faith, Wisdom, and Character in the Messes of Daily Life by Jim and Lynne Jackson. I absolutely felt convicted and empowered by their discipline model.

These short episodes give practical discipline advice, share family testimonials, and constantly point parents in the direction of building connections with your kids even, and especially, in moments of chaos and misbehavior. It’s so good. One thing that I have been reminded of through this podcast is to always help your child see that problem is their behavior, not their identity. So good!

Some of their more recent episodes have been about topics that are really hitting home during these long months of staying home. This ministry is giving me hope and helping me point my girls to Christ, even in the heaviness of discipline.

If you have an extra 10-20 minutes, check out an episode and let me know what you think.

Bonus Podcast:

Ok, so this is a BRAND new podcast with only a few episodes out, but I want to encourage all Christian mamas to check it out. It is by my church’s Women’s Ministry called Eden. The bi-monthly podcast is called EDEN Speaks and for me, during this crazy pandemic, it has been so good for my spirit to hear familiar voices speaking Jesus’ heart for me and other women. 

Check out their cute logo:

Wrap It Up

Here are my top 5 Podcasts for Christian Mamas:

  1. Risen Motherhood – Bringing the Gospel to mama moments
  2. She Reads Truth – Discussion of God’s Word for women
  3. The Dave Ramsey Show – Biblical financial advice
  4. Typology – Ennegram/personality-based personal growth 
  5. Connected Families – Christain parenting/discipline

Did I mention your favorite podcast? What should I be listening to that isn’t on my list?

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