Fun Moses Children’s Activities

I’m delighted to share with you another guest post from one of my favorite authors for Christian children’s materials, Danika Cooley.

Hands-on learning is a great way to cement knowledge. Your family will love these fun Moses children’s activities.

Have you noticed that our children remember what they’ve learned so much better when we include hands-on learning, play, and story? I think that’s why God gave us Scripture in the form of the story of his people. In that story he included object lessons we would be sure to remember. As a mom, and as a Bible teacher, it’s one of the reasons I’ve always loved including activities that will help my children visualize and consider what they’ve learned about God’s Word.
Who What Why | Exodus FREE Printable Lapbooks

Grab your FREE Exodus lapbooks. Your kids will learn about the life of Moses, the tabernacle, the Exodus!

Fun Moses Children’s Activities

Moses was God’s prophet, a humble man, who knew God face to face. Moses was called by God to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and to lead them to freedom in the Promised Land. The fascinating story of how God led Moses and the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan spans four books of the Bible. You can help your 7-12 year olds learn Moses’ story, discover what God taught the Israelites about himself, and how he taught his people to worship him with these fun activities. Your children are sure to remember what they’ve learned as they play!

Who was Moses? (Who, What, Why)Who was Moses? (Who, What, Why)craft 1craft 2craft 3lapbook

  • Who Was Moses? by Danika Cooley | Who Was Moses? (Christian Focus Publications, 2024) is a fun way for kids to learn about the man God called to be his prophet, to write the first five books of the Bible, and to lead God’s people out of slavery in Egypt during the Exodus.
  • Baby Moses Craft | Your kids will create toilet paper roll busts of baby Moses, his sister Miriam, and Pharaoh’s Daughter. As they do, they’ll commemorate God’s providential care for his servant, Moses, from the very beginning of his life.
  • Moses and the Pharaoh of the Exodus Craft | Your kids will use empty toilet paper rolls and cardstock to construct Moses, Aaron, the Pharaoh, the Pyramids of Giza, and two camels. Children will remember how God used his prophet, Moses to lead his people to freedom.
  • Moses and the Burning Bush Bible Stick Puppets | Your kids will make stick puppets that will enable them to narrate God’s calling of Moses at the burning bush.
  • Who Was Moses? Lapbook | The lapbook completes your unit study of Moses, allowing your kids to record what they’ve learned about:
    • The impact of Moses on the Old Testament world, on the Church, and on your child’s world.
    • The Old Testament world. Your child will learn about what it was like to live during the time of the Exodus.
    • The people involved in Moses’ biblical, historical story.
    • Exodus vocabulary.
    • The timeline of each story.
    • The geography of each Exodus story.
    • Theology: Deuteronomy 34:10 and passages where Moses is mentioned.
Through play and story, your children can learn how God used the meekest man on earth to change the history of the world.
Danika Cooley Danika Cooley’s Who What Why Christian history series is perfect for your 7-11 year olds. Your children will better understand the history of the Christian faith, the people who loved Jesus, and what the Bible says about really important issues! Danika is an award-winning children’s author and Bible curriculum developer. Her popular Bible Road Trip™ is used by tens of thousands of families. Learn more about the Who What Why series and grab your free history lapbooks here.

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