LadyBossBlogger “Grow Christian Blog” Review

I have had my blog for about 2 years. In that time I have had months of being super consistent, months of sporadic attention, and months where I completely ignore the blog (thank you baby #5 pregnancy). I have taken courses, read books, and listened to podcasts. I LOVE TO LEARN and I want to grow my audience knowing that it means more mamas are being equipped to share Jesus with their kids.

I received this course free in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link. For more information, please see my disclosures.

Last week, I randomly got an email offering the “Grow Christian Blog” course. A little skeptical to be receiving an almost $200 course for free, I took my time and researched the creator, Elaine Rau. I found she had been feature in Huffington Post and was a Woman to Watch for Sass Magazine. Seeing these, plus her testimony on the course’s site made me feel comfortable signing up.

I have taken several courses, but not many specifically for Christian blogs. During most courses, I have to take everything the extra step and translate them into the faith blogging world. I was excited to not have to take that extra step.

What I liked about LadyBossBlogger “Grow Christian Blog” Course


First of all, I love Elaine Rau’s testimony. It felt sincere and powerful. Though I don’t personally know her, the faith story she shares is admirable and inspiring.


Secondly, I really appreciate that the company gives to a charity. It is a beautiful way of showing generosity and giving back to a special place in her relationship with God. You can read more about the charity here.


Thirdly, when she uses Scripture, it felt appropriate and not cheesy. Sometimes when things are marketed to Christians you can tell that they did a Google search for verses about such and such and just copy and pasted the first verse to come up.


Next, I loved her list of Call To Action words. It was a good list and super helpful presentation.

Then, I loved some of her Pinterest tips to make your account look more professional. I felt she did a good job describing the why of things, not just telling you to do them.

Faith-Based Business Principles

Finally, I LOVED the 7 Faith-Based Business Principles. It not only shows the authenticity of her faith, but it was a beautiful way to start the course. I actually printed these out and posted them as a reminder when I come to my desk to blog.

What I Didn’t Like about LadyBossBlogger’s “Grow Christian Blog” Course


Ok, so maybe it is because I am an Enneagram 1, but the name of the course really irks me. It’s silly, I know, but I feel like it is missing a word like “a” or “your.” I almost did not accept the course knowing I would have to share that title. It feels so awkward, but don’t judge a book by its title? Maybe?

Repurposed Material

What works in blogging, works in blogging. I get that. There were just a few places where I felt repurposed material from a secular course to a Christian course could have transitioned better. This was kinda hit and miss for me.


The images were too large and for most of them, I couldn’t see the full image on the screen without scrolling.

Some of the Pinterest Information felt out of date

While the majority of the action I took from the course was about Pinterest, this section felt like it needed a bit of an update. Any course on Pinterest will be a difficult one to keep relevant as they are constantly changing, but for example, the course taught that only Tailwind is a Pinterest Partner, but Pinterest now has four, including Canva. Also, the course referred to Story Pins, which are now called Idea Pins. Small things, I know.

My Results from the “Grow Christian Blog” Course

Well, it’s only been a week since I started the course, and really just a few days since implementing some things. Results on my blog will take some time, but I can see some improvement on Pinterest already!

Pinterest growth in just a few days

Should You Buy the “Grow Christian Blog” Course?

It depends! If you have taken several other courses and your traffic isn’t what you want because of your consistency, this probably isn’t the course. But if you are still pretty fresh in the blogging world this could be a great course for you!

I loved the faith aspect and wish there was more in there! So, if you are new or newish, definitely check it out here. I saw pretty quick improvements in my Pinterest account which I am super happy with, I’ve had a few new email subscribers (yay!), and I will continue watching my blog’s traffic to see what happens.

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