God’s Power for Kids~Church at Home

Let’s talk about God’s power! In my last post, I shared my family’s new approach to Sunday morning worship (for now anyhow). It’s a Kid-Centric Church at Home time of worship. Please check out that post to read about the why and basic elements!  

Today we are digging into the nitty gritty of what one of our kid-centric Church at Home mornings looks like. Let’s explore God’s Power.

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Worship Through Music

I so wish we were a more musical family, but oh well we are not.  While we love music, we don’t play any instruments. So, we have turned to youtube for videos of some of our kids’ favorite worship songs. Here is one playlist that we frequent.  This Cave Quest VBS CD is on repeat in our van. Our 2 year old requests “Light Shine” on the daily. 

 God’s Power Theme

Our theme was all about God’s power. For our first week of our new church time I wanted to start with something that I KNEW without a doubt the girls would love. I read about this activity in a book I am reading, Spiritual Growth of Children. I adapted the activity for my girls so that it was developmentally appropriate. 

Woship Through Conversation

Here are some questions and conversations we had:

God’s Power is Real

  • What does real mean?
  • If we can’t see God and his power how do we know that He is real? 
  • How do we know that his power is real?

God’s Power is Invisible

  • What does invisible mean?
  • Can you name something other than God that is real and invisible? 
  • Have you seen God’s power?

God’s Power is Strong

  • What does strong mean?
  • Can you name somethings that are strong?
  • How strong is God’s power?
  • What are some strong things God did in the Bible?
  • What are some strong things God has done in our lives? 

Our conversation lasted about 5-10 minutes and, truth be told, there were some “Sunday School answers” of Jesus, God, and the Bible.  But, there was also some thoughtful and meaningful discussion, especially considering my girls ages (7, 3, 3, 2, and 4 months).

Worship Through Memory Verse

Next, the girls and I memorized a Bible Verse together.  We learned, “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10

We repeated it a few times and added motions that we made up. Since I knew a WOW Moment was coming up with our play activity I kept this simple, yet fun. Not everything needs to spectacular.  Kids enjoy simple, playful moments with mama, too.

Worship Through Play

The time had finally come. The girls had seen their surprise and were anxiously waiting… BALLOONS!!

Balloons were the perfect prop for today’s theme of God’s power. They are fun, they show evidence of something invisible (the air inside), and when you let them go untied and they demonstrate power.

I shared about how we could learn about God’s power from the ballons. We blew up and shot balloons across the room and down the hall for quite a while. Periodically asking what the balloons represented or repeating the Bible verse.

When hubby and I were out of breath and dizzy from blowing up balloons on repeat, we tied them off and let a few more minutes of fun happen.  

Worship Through Prayer

We closed our time with prayer. We allowed each of the girls to pray whatever was on their heart and then hubby closed with prayers of thanksgiving and asking God to show us his power. I like to keep prayer simple most of the time to show the girls that it doesn’t need to be extravagant. Prayer is something that all of us can do. There should be nothing that keeps us from talking to God and by making this time simple and casual, I believe, our girls are learning to pray continually and confidently.


Just because our family does this on a Sunday morning for Church at Home, doesn’t mean you have to! These are activities that can be done any day of the week.  Learning about God’s love for us should not be contained to a Sunday. 😀

I hope to share each Sunday’s plans with you throughout the coming weeks and I would love to hear if you try any of the ideas. Please let me know in the comments if you try this! I’d love to hear about your experiences.

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