fruit of the spirit

Fruit of the Spirit Family Fun ~ Church at Home

Since we started doing Church at Home as a family my oldest daughter has wanted to do a Sunday devoted to the Fruit of the Spirit. There is an Uncle Charlie song called, “Fruits of the Spirit” that she loves.  Well, this was her week! Let’s take a look at how our family played with the Fruit of the Spirit during our kid-centric Church at Home. 

If you would like to see how I can help you be more playful and developmentally appropriate with your home discipleship through parent coaching, book a free consultation below.

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Worship Through Music

We listen to praise music a lot throughout the week, but usually, it is just as something in the background of another activity or in the car. Or maybe it is one particular song that goes with the Bible story we are talking about or Jesus Loves Me as I tuck them into bed. All of these can be moments of worship, but, Sundays are different. Sundays are more focused, more intentional, set apart, holy. 

Sunday mornings all seven of us are together. We sing, we dance, and we worship God as a family.  Our praise is lively and silly and happens through songs that may not always speak to mom and dad’s hearts, but draw out joy and connection from our girls’ hearts. 

Check out our playlist below. We use Amazon Music Unlimited to have access to millions of songs. Here’s a link for a free trial, if you are interested.

Fruit of the Spirit Theme

Our theme was all about the Fruit of the Spirit.  I have to admit I didn’t know the Fruit of the Spirit by heart until just a few years ago. I learned it with my students when I was a Preschool Director and Teacher. 

My oldest learned them at the same time and ever since then she holds them close to her heart. She really loves talking and learning about them. You can see another way we incorporate the Fruit of the Spirit into our daily life here.

Celebrating the Fruit of the Spirit in your Kids

Worship Through Conversation

Here are some questions and conversations we had:

What are the Fruit of the Spirit?

  • Name the Fruit of the Spirit.
  • What does love mean? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Goodness? Faithfulness? Gentleness? Self-Control? 

Who do we get the Fruit of the Spirit from?

  • Who gives us the Fruit of the Spirit?
  • Can you make yourself be loving or kind? Is that the same as the Fruit? 
  • What can you do to ask for the Fruit of the Spirit?

How do we share the Fruit of the Spirit?

  • What is an example of love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Goodness? Faithfulness? Gentleness? Self-Control?
  • What are some ways that Jesus expressed the Fruit?

Our conversation lasted about 5-10 minutes and, truth be told, there were some “Sunday School answers” of Jesus, God, and the Bible.  But, there was also some thoughtful and meaningful discussion, especially considering my girls’ ages (8, 4, 4, 2, and 6 months).

Worship Through Memory Verse

It’s pretty obvious what our memory verses were for the day: Galatians 5:22-23. We learned them through song and repetition. 

We tested each other to see who could name them. There was a lot of counting to nine 😁

Worship Through Play

If you have checked out much of my blog, you may see a pattern. I LOVE simple play! While I absolutely get inspired by super-involved, Pinteresty activities, with 5 kids I just don’t have the time, energy, budget, or desire to make everything elaborate.  I like low-prep, low-clean up activities that can include all of my girls from 6 months – 8 years old. 

For this kid-centric Church at Home, we went classic. We played a modified game of charades. We formed 2 teams. For the oldest she was just free to act out any of Fruit of the Spirit however she wanted. For our 4 year old twins and 2 year old we helped them with an idea of what to do.  Then hubby and I each would give our team two choices (“Is she being kind or patient?”) and the littles would shout out their answer. To make it less competitive and more about the fun, we didn’t keep score. 

It was a lot of fun and I was impressed with my girlies.  The baby was even involved by the girls showing her love or gentleness.

Worship Through Prayer

I like to keep prayer simple, so that our kids feel like it is something they can take with them throughout the day. On this particular morning our 8 year old daughter was excited to share the new way I had taught her to pray earlier in the week: breath prayers. 

One morning this week she was having a rough time, so I thought teaching her a breath prayer would help calm her down. It worked. She loved having an one-on-one moment with mama and got excited learning a new way to connect with God. I loved the way her eyes lit up with this new communication tool in her belt. She made up all sorts of breath prayers and it turned the morning around. I wish I could remember that for myself more often. 

Fruit of the Spirit Conclusion

Just because our family does this on a Sunday morning for Church at Home, doesn’t mean you have to! These are activities that can be done any day of the week.  Learning about God’s love for us should not be contained to a Sunday. 😀

I hope to share each Sunday’s plans with you throughout the coming weeks and I would love to hear if you try any of the ideas. Please let me know in the comments if you try this! I’d love to hear about your experiences. 

Mama, you have the gift of the Holy Spirit and the calling to disciple your children, too. If you would like to see what it might look like for me to come alongside you in your family discipleship, book a free consultation or check out the Parent Coaching page.

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