Episode Summary:
This Theology Thursday we look at Ecclesiastes 3:11 and freeing ourselves from the expectation to be able to answer all of our kids’ questions. God has created us with limited capacities to understand him and his plan. We can embrace that and instead create an environment of curiosity and questions while knowing we can trust God to have infinite wisdom and understanding.
Your Turn to Play:
Read 2 pages in the middle of a book your kids don’t know. Ask them to try and figure out the whole story. This is our understanding of eternity. Then read 2 pages from the middle of a book your kids know really well. This is God’s understanding.
You can do it, mama!

Verses from the episode:
- Ecclesiastes 3:11
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-7
- Genesis 1
- Playfully Faithful Questions
- Free Logos Bible Study Tools
- Redeemed for Motherhood Journal
- Christian Motherhood with Purpose and Play Facebook Group
Playfully Faithful Parenting Podcast is a ministry of CreatedtoPlay.com. For more resources, tips, devotions, and tools check us out online: https://createdtoplay.com .

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Music by jorikbasov from Pixabay.
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