*Unless otherwise noted, these are all designed for moms and children’s ministry leaders.

Learn how to read the Bible in a playful and developmentally-appropriate way that engages kids and helps them to truly experience God’s Word.
*Recorded for churches.

Learn all about the faith abilities of those under 5 and how you can support them in developmentally-appropriate and meaningful ways.

You can grow closer to Christ with kids through playful and creative spiritual disciplines that will speak to your soul, as much as to those of children.

How to put together a worship bag that will disciple and equip your child to participate in worship with the body of Christ.

Learn how to grow an environment of curiosity and engage your kids in meaningful conversations about God and his Word.
*Recorded for moms, but easily translated for the church or classroom.

Learn how to incorporate simple playfulness in your everyday life with kids for more fun, more cooperation, and more engagement. Topics include delighting in your kids, routines, play personalities, discipleship, and discipline.
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